26 DSM300 and DSM30 Installation Manual
Status LED
The LED on the connector panel provides valuable information on the status of
your sounder module. The LED blinks green while the module is operating
normally. If the unit detects a problem, the LED blinks amber to indicate a warning
or red for an error. The number of times the LED blinks is a code representing the
nature of the problem. For multiple warnings/errors, the codes are given in
sequence with a 1.5 second pause between strings.
The following table shows the various LED status codes and their meanings.
After 30 seconds of no network activity, the sounder enters Standby mode: No sonar pings
are emitted and no warnings are output on the LED. Instead, the LED blinks green once
every 10 seconds.
For example, if the Transducer Sense fails and the network is not detected, the LED blinks
amber once, pauses 1.5 secs, blinks amber twice 0.5 secs apart, pauses 1.5 secs, and then
repeats the sequence until the problems are resolved or up to 10 minutes elapse.
Sounder temperature
readings are wrong
1. If necessary, adjust the TEMP CALIBRATE parameter.
2. If receiving SeaTalk temperature, unplug the SeaTalk con-
nector from the display.
Sonar display is unreli-
able at high boat speeds
1. Turbulence around the transducer may be confusing the
Table 2-2: Status LED Warning Indications
No of
blinks Meaning
every 10 min
W Amber 1 Transducer Sense Failure
Network not detected
R 3 High Temperature Warning ✓
S 8 Watchdog Timeout Reboot ✓
Table 2-1: Common Sounder Problems
Problem Correction