Satellite switching
The satellite receiver has the ability to switch satellites automati-
cally using a DiSEqC signal.
As you change channels on the television, the receiver will send
a DiSEqC signal when another satellite is required.
The receiver is able to switch between Sat A and Sat A* or Sat B
and Sat B*, but you cannot automatically change from the Satel
lite A pair to the Satellite B pair.
For example, if you are watching a channel on Sat A (DTV101)
and decide to change the channel, the new channel may be on a
different satellite. If the channel is on a different satellite, the
receiver will send the DiSEqC signal and tell the antenna to
switch to Sat A* (DTV119).
If an HD channel on DTV110# is requested, you will have to
manually press the Sat B button on the HD-ACU. This will
change the satellite pair to Sat B and Sat B*. As you change
channels now you have the option to switch automatically
between DTV101 and DTV110#.To return to the Satellite A pair,
simply press the Sat A button on the HD-ACU.
In the installation that uses a multi-switch, a DiSEqC supplier is
required if three DirecTV satellites are used. This additional
accessory is required because the multi-switch does not allow
the DiSEqC signal to pass properly. Since the signal cannot
pass, there is no satellite switching. In this case you could only
track two satellites - Sat A and Sat B - and it would require a
manual button press on the HD-ACU to switch satellites. Since
some systems use three satellites, the DiSEqC supplier is
Technical tips
1. Only the Master receiver has the ability to change the satel-
lites automatically - this receiver should be HD compatible.
The Master receiver can change satellites between DTV101,
DTV119 and DTV110#. Any other receivers in the system do
not have the ability to change the satellite being tracked, only
watch the channels on the current satellite, i.e if the Master
receiver is tracking DTV101, then all the remaining receivers
in the system can only watch channels on DTV101.
2. During the setup of your HD receiver, you should select the
option that states “Oval Dish with 3 LNBs”. This will tell the
receiver that it will have to be able to look for three satellites.
3. During setup, the receiver will look for each of the three
DirecTV satellites. Since your HD-ACU is set up with two
satellite pairs, you will have to carry out a manual button
press during this section of the setup procedure. The test will
check for DTV101 and you will get an OK. It will then check
for DTV119, and you will again get an OK. As it begins
searching for DTV110# you will have to manually press the
Sat B pair on your HD-ACU. The receiver will then be able to
locate DTV110#.
4. Once setup is complete, the receiver will begin downloading
the guide. As this occurs the receiver will tell the HD-ACU
when to switch satellites. Since the receiver can only switch
between the main satellite and the DiSEqC satellite - Sat A
and Sat A* or Sat B and Sat B* - the guide will be likely to
only download channels from two of the three satellites at
this time. The channels from the third satellite will populate
the guide over a period of time. This period of time can be as
little as 20 minutes or extend to several hours.You will not be
able to watch all of the channels until the guide is fully