Echo Sounding
How it Works
◆ Your eyes underwater
An “echo sounder” or “sonar” unit sends high-frequency sound waves down into the
water below a boat. These sounds hit the bottom of the lake or sea and bounce back.
The display unit measures the time delay as the signal goes out and returns. The
FishFinder uses this information to display a graphic image of the bottom conditions.
The system also uses this same principle to detect fish or other objects in the water,
and display their size and location. This display is like a “window” which allows you to
look into the underwater world.
◆ About the transducer
The transducer transmits the sound waves down into the
water. It also receives the waves as they return. One
type of transducer can be mounted on the transom
of the boat, as shown here. Other types of
transducers can be installed through a hole in
the hull, or mounted inside the hull.
◆ The Sidelooker
The optional Sidelooker is a
special type of transducer
which allows the Fish-
Finder to detect fish beside
the boat. The Sidelooker
produces two powerful hori-
zontal beams which ex-
tend to either side, just
below the surface of the
The Sidelooker transducer uses a
special plastic material called “PVDF,”
which was developed by Raytheon
Naval Systems. This allows the Side-
looker to give you the clearest possible
picture of conditions underwater.