
Chapter 11: Diagnostics
2. Type either the hostname or IP address into the Hostname or IP
Address field.
3. Click Ping. The results of the ping are displayed in the Result field.
Trace Route to Host Page
Trace route is a network tool used to determine the route taken to the
provided hostname or IP address.
To trace the route to the host:
1. Choose Diagnostics > Trace Route to Host. The Trace Route to Host
page opens.
2. Type either the IP address or host name into the IP Address/Host
Name field.
Note: The host name cannot exceed 232 characters in length.
3. Choose the maximum hops from the drop-down list (5 to 50 in
increments of 5).
4. Click Trace Route. The trace route command is executed for the
given hostname or IP address and the maximum hops. The output of
trace route is displayed in the Result field.