
How do I connect multiple
Dominion KX devices
together into one solution?
Multiple Dominion KX units do not need to be physically connected
together. Instead, each Dominion KX unit connects to the network, and
they automatically work together as a single solution:
If you deploy Raritan’s optional CommandCenter management appliance,
CommandCenter acts as a single access point for remote access and
management. CommandCenter offers a significant set of convenient tools,
such as consolidated configuration, consolidated firmware update, and a
single authentication and authorization database.
In addition, CommandCenter enables sophisticated server sorting,
permissions, and access functionality – for instance, you can create an
attribute called “Operating System”, and in one step enable only the
Active Directory group “SYSADMINS” to access those servers whose
“Operating System” attribute is set to “Windows”. See CommandCenter
data sheet and FAQ for more details.
If you do not take advantage of Raritan’s optional CommandCenter
management appliance, multiple Dominion KX units still interoperate and
scale automatically: Dominion KX’s remote access applet automatically
discovers all Dominion KX units in your network.
Can I connect an existing
analog KVM switch to
Dominion KX?
Yes. If you would like to add remote access capabilities to your existing
analog KVM switch, you can connect your KVM switch to one of
Dominion KX’s server ports. Simply use a PS/2 Computer Interface
Module (CIM), and attach it to the user ports of your existing analog
KVM switch.
Please note, however, that KVM switches from most other manufacturers
do not have as reliable keyboard and mouse emulation technologies as do
Raritan KVM switches. Therefore, if your existing analog KVM switch is
not a Raritan brand switch, you may occasionally encounter keyboard or
mouse aberrations, and as such Raritan cannot certify the use of any
particular third-party analog KVM switch.
Computer Interface Modules (CIMs)
Can I use Computer
Interface Modules (CIMs)
from Raritan’s analog
matrix KVM switch,
Paragon, with Dominion
Yes. For complete interoperability, certain Paragon computer interface
modules (CIMs) do work with Dominion KX (please check the Raritan
web site for the latest list of certified CIMs).
However, because Paragon CIMs cost more than Dominion KX CIMs (as
they incorporate technology for video transmission of up to 1000 feet
[300 meters]), it is not generally advisable to purchase Paragon CIMs for
use with Dominion KX. Also note that when connected to Dominion KX,
Paragon CIMs transmit video at a distance of 50feet [15 meters], the same
as Dominion KX CIMs – not at 1000 feet [300 meters], as they do when
connected to Paragon.
Can I use Z-Series “daisy-
chaining” Computer
Interface Modules (CIMs)
with Dominion KX?
At the present time, Raritan’s Z-Series “daisy-chaining” computer
interface modules do not work with Dominion KX. This capability will be
incorporated in future releases – requiring only a firmware upgrade.
Can I use Dominion KX
Computer Interface
Modules (CIMs) with
Raritan’s analog matrix
KVM switch, Paragon?
No. Dominion KX computer interface modules (CIMs) transmit video at a
range of 50feet (15 meters) and thus do not work with Paragon, which
requires CIMs that transmit video at a range of 1000 feet (300 meters). To
ensure that all Raritan’s customers experience the very best quality video
available in the industry – a consistent Raritan characteristic – Dominion
Series CIMs do not interoperate with Paragon.