
In This Chapter
Conventions ............................................................................................... 6
Common Data Types ................................................................................. 6
System Management ................................................................................. 7
Authentication and Authorization Services ................................................ 8
Node Management Services ..................................................................... 9
User Management ................................................................................... 18
Logging Management .............................................................................. 21
Category Management ............................................................................ 25
The following conventions are used within this document.
String sessionID - The authentication token that was originally
assigned to the user via the SignOn method. Whenever you see a
parameter named sessionID, it refers to this definition.
Note: The session ID will be invalidated if no session activity is
detected for 5 minutes.
String interfaceID CC-SG generated unique identifier of an
String username - The name of a CC-SG user account.
Common Data Types
1. Exceptions
Each CC-SG WS-API service returns an exception upon error. If the
error is specific to the service, the exception will be defined as
String code Simple definition of the error.
String message Specific error message.
2. xsd:dateTime
Standard XML type used in Web services and based on ISO 8601.
Your WS system will map it to a type appropriate for your target
programming language.
Chapter 2
API Definitions