3. To turn off the CB, turn OFF/VOLUME counterclockwise
OFF until it clicks.
Citizen’s Band operators have adopted 10-codes for
standard questions and answers. These codes permit faster
communication and better intelligibility in noisy areas. The
more popular codes follow:
Code Meaning
10-1 Receiving poorly.
10-2 Receiving well.
10-3 Stop transmitting.
10-4 OK, message received.
10-5 Relay message.
10-6 Busy, please stand by.
10-7 Out of service.
10-8 In service
10-9 Repeat message.
10-10 Transmission completed, standing by.
10-11 Talking too rapidly.
10-12 Visitors present.
10-13 Advise Weather/Road conditions.
10-17 Urgent business.
10-18 Anything for us?
10-19 Nothing for you. Return to base.
10-20 My location is____.
10-21 Call by telephone.
10-22 Report in person to____.
10-23 Please stand by.
10-25 Can you contact____.
10-26 Disregard last information.
10-27 I am moving to channel____.
10-28 Identify your station.
10-32 I will give you a radio check.
10-33 Emergency traffic.
10-36 Correct time is____.
10-37 Wrecker needed at____.
10-38 Ambulance needed at______
10-41 Please turn to channel_____.
10-42 Traffic accident at_____.
10-43 Traffic tie-up at____.
10-50 Break channel.
10-62 Unable to copy; use telephone.
10-70 Fire at_____.