The Basics
The Basics
activity 45: geography trivia ................................... 26
activity 46: history trivia .......................................... 27
activity 47: science trivia ......................................... 27
activity 48: miscellaneous trivia .............................. 27
activity 49: symbols trivia ....................................... 28
category 5: games 28
activity 50: stone paper scissors ............................ 28
activity 51: tower of hanoi ...................................... 28
activity 52: matching shape .................................... 29
activity 53: snaps ..................................................... 29
activity 54: tic tac toe .............................................. 29
activity 55: ping pong .............................................. 30
activity 56: grand prix ............................................. 30
activity 57: hang man .............................................. 31
category 6: music & drawing 31
activity 58: music station ........................................ 31
activity 59: musical keyboard ................................. 31
activity 60: dance to music ..................................... 31
activity 61: drawing fun ........................................... 32
category 7: my notebook 33
activity 62: mailbox ................................................. 33
activity 63: email ..................................................... 33
activity 64: phone book ........................................... 34
activity 65: scheduler .............................................. 34
activity 66: sound databank .................................... 35
activity 67: picture databank ................................... 35
activity 68: maze game ........................................... 35
activity 69: typing skills ........................................... 36
activity 70: draw programming .............................. 36
activity 71: alarm clock ........................................... 37
activity 72: calculator .............................................. 37
activity 73: word processing ................................... 38
caring for your laptop 38
service and repair .................................................... 39
the fcc wants you to know 39