
A General Guide to Frequencies
US Weather Frequencies in MHz
162.400 162.425 162.450 162.475 162.500 162.525
Ham Radio Frequencies
Ham radio operators often transmit emergency informa-
tion when other means of communication break down.
The chart below shows the frequencies the scanner re-
ceives that ham radio operators normally use:
Birdie Frequencies
Every scanner has birdie frequencies. Birdies are sig-
nals created inside the scanner's receiver. These operat-
ing frequencies might interfere with transmissions on the
same frequencies. If you program one of these frequen-
cies, you hear only noise on that frequency. If the inter-
ference is not severe, you might be able to turn
clockwise to omit the birdie.
This scanner's birdie frequencies (in MHz) are:
Wavelength Frequencies (MHz)
10-Meter 28.000–29.700
6-Meter 50.000–54.000
2-Meter 144.000–148.000
70-cm 420.000–450.000
33-cm 902.000–928.000
25-cm 1240.000–1300.000
VHF Low Band (MHz)
25.5000 38.2500 41.8900 51.000