Beyond the Basics
When the scanner receives a SAME-coded signal, ALERT fl ashes
one of the following codes to indicate the alert level:
L1... ................................................................................................. Warning
L2.. ......................................................................................................Watch
L3... ................................................................................................ Advisory
WXA ...................................................................... Weather Alert (1050 Hz)
To activate tones for the alert levels, press WX to activate the
weather service, then hold down ALERT for about 1 second. Each
alert code appears as its tone sounds. Press any key to end the test
FIPS codes
To limit weather alerts to specifi c areas, you can program FIPS
codes for those areas. The scanner can be set to either, alert for all
areas, or only the areas you have programmed.
SAME uses a standard established by the US Census bureau, called
FIPS. The format of a FIPS code is PSSCCC, where:
P .........................................................area subdivision (0=entire area)
SS .................................................................State code (00=all states)
CCC .....................................................County code (000=all counties)
For example, the FIPS code for Tarrant County, Texas is:
048439 (48=Texas; 439=Tarrant County)
1. During weather scan, press HOLD.
2. Press E/PGM. The scanner enters FIPS programming mode.
If the scanner is set to alert for all FIPS, ALLFIPS appears on
the display. If the scanner is set to alert only the area you have
programmed, F1 appears.
3. To set the scanner to scan all FIPS codes, press or to move
ALLFIPS. Then press E/PGM. Then go to WX hold mode.
4. To program a FIPS code, press or to select a displayed FIPS
code (F1 to F15), and enter the FIPS code using the numbered
5. Press E/PGM to store the FIPS code. If an invalid value has
been inputted, the FIPS code is cleared.