Beyond the Basics
16. This display appears if a failure is encountered while
performing a V-Scanner operation. Press ENT to try again.
17. If you wish to create a new confi guration based on
your current one, save the current working memory to
a V-Scanner folder, then edit the working memory with
your changes. When you are fi nished with your edits,
save your updated working memory to a new V-Scanner
folder, leaving the V-Scanner folder with your original
confi guration intact. You may then use either your original
confi guration or the modifi ed one.
18. Be sure to assign a name to each V-Scanner before you
save it to a V-Scanner folder. You assign a V-Scanner
name while using the confi guration in working memory
by pressing PROG, and then FUNC, TEXT. The text you enter
here is stored in line 4 of the welcome message and
saved with the contents of the V-Scanner when you write
it to a folder.
You can use the V-Scanner feature to back up your work.
Save your confi guration to a V-Scanner folder after you
make changes to a working memory confi guration. If for
any reason your scanner’s working memory is accidentally
altered or lost, you can recall the backup confi guration data
from the V-Scanner folder.
There will be an approximately 13 second pause after you
select the desired V-Scanner and press ENT to confi rm your