Each of the 78 two-way communication
channels and 18 receive-only channels
is reserved for a specific type of trans-
mission. Misuse of a channel is a viola-
tion of FCC regulations.
You can listen to any channel. But, with
the Ship Radio Station License that you
receive by filling out FCC Form 506, you
can only transmit on Channel 16 and
channels marked in the list that follows
as “Non-Commercial” or “Public Corre-
spondence (Public Corresp).”
Also, be sure to observe the ship-to-
ship and ship-to-shore assignments of
the channels.
The USA and international marine
channels share the same channel num-
bers. They do not, however, always use
the same frequencies. Also, many of
the international channels use different
frequencies for transmitting and receiv-
ing on a particular channel. Be sure that
you set the
switch to the ap-
propriate position.
19-1004.fm Page 12 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 9:11 AM