Your RadioShack HTX-10 10-Meter Transceiver is ideal for use
in your vehicle. Its 25-watt SSB/FM and 7-watt AM output pro-
vides the power you need to communicate, and its tuner covers
the entire 10-meter Amateur Radio band (including the 28.3 to
28.5 MHz Novice band). You can connect a DC power supply and
base station antenna to your transceiver to set up a base station
in your home. The transceiver’s crystal-controlled circuitry pro-
vides accurate and stable channel selection, making it an ideal
choice for your amateur communications needs.
Your transceiver has these advanced features:
Large, Illuminated, Digital Display
— clearly shows the fre-
quency, functions, and incoming signal strength.
1 kHz Frequency Resolution —
lets you fine tune frequencies
for optimum transmission and reception.
— the transceiver scans its frequency range for transmis-
MIC and RF Gain Control
— lets you adjust the microphone and
receiver gain to match the strength of the received signal.
Switchable Noise Blanker
— reduces interference from ignition
systems, motors, and other electrical equipment.
Squelch Circuit
— compensates for signal fading and eliminates
signal chopping.
Automatic Gain Control
— maintains a constant volume level,
regardless of the signal strength.
Built-In Automatic Modulation Control
— ensures a constant
RF modulation level.
Universal Mounting Bracket
— lets you mount your transceiver
securely in your vehicle or on a shelf in your home.
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19-1110.fm Page 2 Friday, March 24, 2000 9:42 AM