Use the following equations to convert kHz, MHz, and meters.
To convert MHz to kHz, multiply by 1,000. For example:
9.62 MHz ¥ 1000 = 9,620 kHz
To convert kHz to MHz, divide by 1,000. For example:
2780 kHz ³ 1000 = 2.780 MHz
To convert MHz to meters, divide 300 by the number of MHz. For
300 ³ 7.1 MHz = 42.25 meters
To convert meters to MHz, divide 300 by the number of meters. For
300 ³ 42.25 meters = 7.1 MHz
International Frequencies
International commercial broadcasts are found in the following
shortwave bands. Programs (often in English) usually contain
news, commentaries, music, and special features reflecting the cul-
ture of the broadcasting country. Reception for this range is best
between 6:00 PM and midnight (your time).
Frequency Range
(in MHz)
SW1 4.39–5.18
SW2 5.72–6.33
SW3 7.00–8.05
SW4 9.20–10.02
SW5 11.35–12.25
20-227.fm Page 12 Wednesday, August 4, 1999 10:13 AM