Adding a Pause
Some services, such as voicemail, require you to
enter an access code then pause before entering
additional digits. To include a pause in a sequence
when storing it in memory, press . The
phone displays
. When you send the sequence,
the phone pauses for 2
seconds where you en-
tered a pause. If you need a longer pause, enter
multiple pauses, one after the other.
Adding a Wait
If you do not know in advance how long you must
wait before sending additional commands, insert a
wait in your sequence by pressing
at the appropriate place. The phone displays
When you send the sequence, the phone waits for
you to press before it sends the rest of the
stored sequence.
Your cellular service provider might offer special
options that let you receive or make a second call
or conference two calls together using your
phone’s key.
Contact your cellular service provider for additional
details about these special services or billing.
17-1165.fm Page 45 Wednesday, July 21, 1999 2:46 PM