The RadioShack Satellite/TV/FM In-Line Signal Amplifier brings to your home video system the
same technology that is used in commercial cable systems: a single, standard coaxial cable
carries the satellite, TV, radio signal and the power necessary for the In-Line Signal Amplifier.
The In-Line Signal Amplifier reduces or eliminates the signal losses caused by signal trans-
formers, signal splitters, other in-line devices or extremely long cable runs between the anten-
na and receiver system. The In-Line Signal Amplifier will amplify virtually any satellite, TV, or
radio signal, from 50 MHz to 2,200 MHz.
The compact, in-line design of the amplifier simplifies installation at the “head end” of an anten-
na system (the end nearest the antenna, where amplification will do the most good).
The In-Line Signal Amplifier can be used with antenna systems for:
• direct-to-home satellite
• standard VHF/UHF/cable TV
• amateur TV systems
• scanners
• FM stereo radio
15-1170.fm Page 4 Tuesday, July 13, 1999 4:35 PM