ost fax machines send a fax alert tone before transmitting a
ax. When the AFX-400 hears a fax alert tone, it automatically
outes the call to the
ax calls can also be routed using transfer codes or a distinc-
ive ring service (see “Using a Distinctive Ring Service” on
age 9).
sing Transfer Codes
or fax machines that do not transmit alert tones, the caller
an enter the transfer code to tell the AFX-400 to route the call
o the
jack. You can tell callers how to enter the
ode before they fax you, or you can record the instructions on
our answering machine (see “Preparing an Answering Ma-
hine for Use with the AFX-400” on Page 5).
allers must follow these steps to transfer a call to the
1. Call the AFX-400.
2. When it answers, press # 9 1 on a touch-tone phone.
3. Press the fax machine’s START or SEND button.
ou can also transfer a call yourself. To transfer the call to the
jack, enter # 9 1 on any touch-tone phone on the
ame line as the AFX-400. If you are using a pulse (rotary)
hone that is directly connected to the AFX-400, dial 4 to
ransfer the call.
o transfer the call from the fax machine back to a touch-tone
hone or answering machine connected to the AFX-400, dial
8 1.
Unlike most fax machines, modems do not send an alert tone.
Modem calls must be routed using transfer codes or a distinc-
tive ring service (see “Using a Distinctive Ring Service” on
Page 9).
Using Transfer Codes
To have the calling modem automatically send the required
transfer code, the caller must insert the code in the modem’s
dialing string immediately following the phone number.
• To connect to the AFX-400 while it is set to home mode,
add the following to the modem’s dialing string.
, , , # 9 1 , # 9 1 , # 9 1 , # 9 1
• To connect to the AFX-400 while it is set to office mode,
add the following to the modem’s dialing string.
, # 9 1 , # 9 1 , # 9 1 , # 9 1
• A comma (,) in most modems’ dialing string inserts a
two-second pause. If the caller’s modem uses a longer or
shorter pause, have them adjust the dialing string accord-
• The code string for home mode is designed for an answer-
ing machine set to answer after two rings. If your answer-
ing machine is set to answer after more than two rings,
have the caller add a 6-second pause for each additional
• For long distance calls, have the caller add a four-second
pause to the beginning of the code string.
You can also transfer a call yourself. To transfer the call to the
jack, enter # 9 1 on any touch-tone phone on the
same line as the AFX-400. If you are using a pulse (rotary)
phone that is directly connected to the AFX-400, dial 4 to
transfer the call.