TAD Operation with a Fax Machine/Fax Modem
and a Data Modem
When the TAD answers a call, the AFX-300 listens during the
first 20 seconds of the outgoing message for either fax alert
tones or touch-tone commands.
f the AFX-300 detects fax alert tones
, it automatically dis-
connects the TAD and directs the call to your fax machine/fax
If the AFX-300 detects a preset sequence of touch-tone
, it either switches the call directly to your fax ma-
chine/fax modem or data modem, or is set to accept further
commands (see “Switching Fax Calls Manually” on Page 24
and “Special Features” on Page 26).
If the call is a voice call
, the caller must enter a touch-tone
command within 20 seconds after the TAD answers to have
the call directed to the TAD so it can record the caller’s mes-
sage as usual.
If no fax alert or touch-tones are detected within 20 sec-
onds after the TAD answers
, the AFX-300 automatically
switches the call to your data modem.
43-1245.fm Page 21 Wednesday, August 18, 1999 9:51 AM