Beyond the Basics
Beyond the Basics
5. Move the cursor to any one line and type information.
You can use the delete key to fi x your mistakes. After you
press ENTER to move to the next line, you can no longer
back up to the previous line. You can use the clear key to
clear the entire entry.
6. After you have fi lled in all of the lines, press ENTER. Use
the arrow keys or the mouse to select “Yes” or “No” when
the save box appears.
7. The laptop will alert you of stored information next time
you enter this activity.
activity 66: sound databank
1. Press ON/Mode to go to the Category Selection Menu.
2. Press ENTER to start Activity 66.
3. Press the left/right arrow keys to hear different speeches
or sound effects that have been pre-stored in the laptop.
4. Use the down arrow key to select sound effect column.
Use the left/right arrow keys to hear different sound
activity 67: picture databank
1. Press ON/Modeto go to the Category Selection Menu.
2. Press ENTER to start Activity 67.
3. Four different pictures from the laptop’s picture gallery
4. Use the mouse or left/right arrow keys and either click or
press ENTER to enter a gallery.
5. Press left/right arrow keys to see different pictures and
pre-stored animation.
6. Press ENTER once the laptop returns to the gallery
selection menu.
activity 68: maze game
1. Press ON/Mode to go to the Category Selection Menu.
2. Press ENTER to start Activity 68.
3. A maze will appear.
4. Use the up/down/left/right arrow keys to move the ball
and fi nd your way out of the maze.
activity 69: typing skills
1. Press ON/Mode to go to the Category Selection Menu.
2. Press ENTER to start Activity 69.
3. To select level (1, 2, or 3) and number of players, press
the settings button and set the level and number of
players. To return to the activity, repeat steps 1 and 2.
4. A keyboard will appear and certain letters will be
highlighted in random order.
5. Press the corresponding letter key on the keypad.
6. If you need to type an upper case letter, press Shift and
the corresponding letter on the keypad together.
activity 70: draw programming
1. Press ON/Mode to go to the Category Selection Menu.
2. Press ENTER to start Activity 70.
3. Simple programming lines will appear.
4. Command: type one of the following commands in each
programming line using the format “Command, direction,
• Draw: Press the key with the pencil on it to order the
laptop to draw a line.