Beyond the Basics
2. Set OFF/ON/TALKOVER to TALKOVER so that the microphone’s
sound is louder than the other audio input sources. This
is useful for paging.
using the seven band equalizer
The seven band equalizer controls, LEFT CHANNEL and RIGHT
CHANNEL, further tailor the frequency for CH 1 (PHONO1, LINE 1), CH
2 (PHONO2, LINE 2), and CH 3 (LINE 3, LINE 4) to match your acoustic
surroundings or to suit your personal preference.
1. To activate the equalizer, press EQ. The EQ LED lights.
2. Slide the LEFT CHANNEL and RIGHT CHANNEL controls for a
selected frequency to +12dB to boost, or toward –12dB to
cut the frequency’s sound.
To provide smooth frequency control, the equalizer’s controls
must overlap slightly. Thus, the
1K control has a slight effect
on the range of frequencies covered by the 400Hz and 2.4K