
September 2004, ADIC 23
These documents are currently available for StorNext products:
All Hot re-zoning of SAN fabrics is not supported.
StorNext is incompatible with CXFS.
StorNext File System is incompatible with third-party portmappers.
The SNMS GUI does not support an isolated metadata network topology
with a system configured for HA failover. If the browser does not have
connectivity to the isolated metadata network, then it will fail to connect
after a failover event. If you have an isolated metadata network topology,
make sure your browser has connectivity to the isolated metadata network
or correct your network topology so the browser has connectivity to the
isolated metadata network.
For more information, contact ATAC:
In the USA: 800.827.3822
Outside the USA (toll free): 00.800.9999.3822
ATAC Website: www.adic.com/techsup
Document Number Document Title
6-00360-05 Rev B StorNext Management Suite Installation Guide
6-00905-03 Rev B StorNext File System Installation Guide for UNIX Users
6-00362-03 Rev B StorNext Management System Administrator Guide
6-00361-07 Rev B StorNext Storage Manager Quick Reference Booklet
6-00361-08 Rev B StorNext File System Quick Reference Booklet
Operating System/
Component Affected