If you selected a
speed program, a
numberwillflashin the
SPEED/PACE display.
Thisnumber isthe max-
imum speed that the
walking belt willreach during the selected program.
Ifyou wantto change the maximum speed setting,
press the SPEED Z_button.The maximumspeed
settingcan be from 4 mph to 10 mph. If the setting
isincreased,the difficultylevel of the entire pro-
gram willincrease. Ifthe settingis decreased, the
difficultylevel ofthe entire program willdecrease.
I_1 Press the START button to start the program
A moment after the START button is pressed, the
walking belt willbegin to move. (If an inclinepro-
gram is selected, the treadmill willalso adjustto
the first inclinesetting of the program, unless it is
already at the first setting.) Hold the handrailsand
carefully beginwalking.
Each program consists oftwenty or thirty one-
minute pedods. (The lengthof the program is
shown inthe TIME/INCLINE display.) Ifan incline
programisselected, one inclinesettingis pro-
grammed for each period; ifa speed programis
selected, one speed setting is programmedfor
each period.
The inclineor speed settings ofthe programyou
have selected will be shown in the LED matrix.
The inclineor speed
setting of the first
period willbe shown
in the flashing
column. The settings
of the next seven
pedods will be shown
in the seven columns
to the right.
O0 O00000e
O0 oo000ee
O0 ooeeeoo
O0 eooeeee
O0 eezeeSee
When onlythree seconds remain in the first one-
minute periodof the program, boththe CURRENT
PERIOD column and the column to the rightwill
flash and three tones willsound. All incline or
speed settingswill then move one column to the
left. The settingof the second period willthen be
shown inthe CURRENT PERIOD columnand the
inclineorspeed of thetreadmill willautomatically
adjusttothat setting.
If an inclineprogram is selected, the speed ofthe
treadmill can be changed duringthe program with
the SPEED buttons. Ifa speed program isse-
lected, the inclineof the treadmillcan be changed
withthe INCLINE buttons.
The programwill continue untilthe inclineor
speed settingof the last period isshown in the
CURRENT PERIOD column of the LED matrix
and the TIME/INCLINE display counts down to
zero. The walking belt willthen slow to a stop.
If the progrem istoo easy or too difficult, the
intensityof the program can be adjusted. Ifan
inclineprogrem is selected, press the INCLINE
buttonsto adjust the maximum inclinesetting; if
a speed programis selected, press the SPEED
buttons to adjustthe maximum speed setting (see
step 3 on page 10).
To stop the program for a moment, press the
STOP button. The displays willpause and the
TIME/INCLINE display will begin to flash. To
restart the program, press the START button. To
end the program at any time, hold down the
STOP buttonfor two seconds. The MANUAL
mode willthen be selected.
I_ Follow your progress with the four displays.
See step5 on page 9.
r_ Measure your heart rate, if desired.
See step 6 on page 10.
B When the program is completed, remove the
Step ontothe foot railsand remove the key from
the console. Keep the key in a secure place. In
addition, move the on/offswitch tothe off position
and unplugthe power cord.