Changing Workgroup Names
3. Click on the SUBMIT button when done and physically repower
the print server to make the new settings take effect.
Changing Workgroup Names
Windows environments define groups of related computers as
“workgroups.” By default, “WORKGROUP” is the name that is
assigned to the NIC workgroup. However, you may want to change
this to suit your network better. To do this:
1. Load a Web browser on your Windows station and direct it to
the URL:
NOTE: If prompted for a “User ID” and password first, type in root
for the ID and press ENTER at the password prompt (since
there is no password by default).
2. At the “Network Configuration” HTML form that displays,
search for the “Windows (NetBIOS TCP/IP)” section and
highlight the “Workgroup Name” field.
3. Type in the new workgroup name for the NIC.
4. Click on the SUBMIT button when done and physically repower
the print server to make the new settings take effect.