
Appendix A Technical Specifications 259
5 Not Used
6 GND System chassis ground. Any external circuitry intended to interface with the trigger
control signals must reference this ground connection.
7 SyncMASTER1 Output LVCMOS Active high. User-configurable output. SyncMASTER1 can be user-
configured to provide a user-specified continuous frequency output (not just when
the camera is taking data) until halted by the user. In this configuration, the output
could be used to synchronize a laser, shutter, AOTF… with the camera.
8 General Purpose Input 0 Reserved for future use as general LVCMOS input limited ESD protection.
9 L_Shutter (via 1 k) Do Not Use.
10 Source Comp Reserved for future Use. Analog Input.
11 Logic GND Do Not Use.
12 +5.9 V +5.9 V thru 100
13 Not Used
14 General Purpose Output 3 Requires a 1 k resistor. Reserved
15 General Purpose Output 2 Requires a 1 k resistor. Reserved
16 General Purpose Output 1 Requires a 1 k resistor. Reserved
17 SyncMASTER2 Output Requires a 1 k resistor.
18 GND System chassis ground. Any external circuitry intended to interface with the trigger
control signals must reference this ground connection.
19 Not Used
20 GND System chassis ground. Any external circuitry intended to interface with the trigger
control signals must reference this ground connection.
21 General Purpose Input 2 Requires a 1 k resistor. Reserved
22 General Purpose Input 1 Requires a 1 k resistor. Reserved
23 SyncMASTER2 (via 10 ) Requires a 10 resistor. Programmable continuous frequency output (100 ns -
6.55 ms delay from SyncMASTER1) synchronize external devices with PI-MAX4
(e.g. Q-switch.)
24 Not Used
25 GND System chassis ground. Any external circuitry intended to interface with the trigger
control signals must reference this ground connection.
26 General Purpose Input 3 Requires a 1 k resistor. Reserved
Table A-6: AUX I/O Connector Pinout and Signal Descriptions (Sheet 2 of 2)
Pin # Signal Name Description