6 cups dried lima beans 1 cup chopped celery
¾ cup cooking oil 6 cups tomato juice
3 tablespoons salt ½ cup brown sugar
Water 1 tablespoon chili powder
2 lbs. pork sausages, cut into ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
½-inch pieces
* * * * * *
3 onions, chopped Salt, as desired
1 green pepper, diced
Soak beans overnight in cooking oil, salt, and enough water to cover completely. Drain and discard liquid. Heat canner and brown
sausage. Remove. Pour off all drippings in excess of two tablespoons. Sauté onions, green pepper, and celery. Add lima beans and
sausage. Add combined tomato juice, brown sugar, chili powder, and cayenne pepper. Mix well. Do not fill canner over one-half full.
Close cover securely. Place pressure regulator on vent pipe and COOK 25 MINUTES at 15 pounds pressure. Let pressure drop of its
own accord. Season to taste with salt. 12-15 servings.
3 tablespoons cooking oil 1 cup water
2 cloves garlic 3 1-lb. cans tomatoes
2 cups chopped onion 3 6-ounce cans sliced
2 lbs. precooked ham, diced mushrooms, with liquid
3 cups uncooked rice 3 lbs. peeled and cleaned
1 tablespoon salt, or as desired shrimp
½ teaspoon pepper 2 green peppers, cut into
½ teaspoon allspice strips
Pinch each, cayenne, chili
powder, and basil
Heat canner, add oil, and sauté garlic and onion until golden brown. Stir in ham and rice. Cook until rice is golden. Remove garlic.
Add seasonings, water, tomatoes, and mushrooms with liquid; mix well. Add shrimp and sprinkle green pepper strips over all. Close
cover securely. Place pressure regulator on vent pipe and COOK 5 MlNUTES at 15 pounds pressure. Let pressure drop of its own ac-
cord. Remove cover and stir. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. 15-18 servings.
PRessuRe CooKinG PoulTRY
Poultry recipes are cooked at 15 pounds pressure. Try the following suggested recipes and enjoy tasty poultry in a variety of sauces.
Or, prepare your own favorite poultry dishes. When you wish to seal the natural juices into the poultry, sear to a crispy brown prior to
pressure cooking. When it is desirable to intermingle food flavors, during cooking, it is best not to brown poultry; just cook it in the
liquid indicated in the recipe.
These recipes are intended for pressure cooking and should not be canned.
3 3-lb. chickens Salt and pepper
3 tablespoons cooking oil 2 cups water
Remove neck bone, fold skin down on breast and skewer in position. Fasten legs and wings close to side of body. Heat canner, add oil,
and brown chickens on all sides. Season with salt and pepper. Place water, cooking rack, and chickens in canner. Close cover securely.
Place pressure regulator on vent pipe and COOK 10 MINUTES at 15 pounds pressure. Let pressure drop of its own accord.
15-18 servings.