
Fuse Requirements
Recommended Fuse Rating for TD450 i s 60 Amps
Recommended Fuse Rating for TD4100 is 100 Amps
You will need to install an in-line fuse or circuit breaker in the power wire
within 18” of the battery. This fuse or circuit breaker protects your vehicle
from fire in case the power wire shorts to the vehicle body. If you are only using
one amplifier, use the recommended fuse rating. If you are using more than one
amplifier, add up the fuse ratings for all amplifiers, and use this sum for your main
fuse or circuit breaker. Use a power distribution block or fuse near your amplifiers
with the appropriate fuse for each individual power wire.
The information below is a basic formula you can use to determine current draw. A
50% amplifier efficiency rating is used as an average. This formula is only a guideline.
Using wire of a larger gauge can only improve the current transfer of your system.
Do not use smaller gauge wire.
Total 4-Ohm rated RMS output x 2 = Total Input Wattage
Total Input Wattage/Supply Voltage = Current Draw (in Amps)
Your TD450 has 4 channels at 50 watts per channel RMS into 4-Ohms
(50 x 4 = 200). You would use the formula below:
200W x 2 = 400W/12.5V = 32 Amps Total Current Draw
Tools/Parts Needed for Installation
(not supplied)
Small flat blade screwdriver
Phillips screwdriver (#2 or medium sized)
Wire cutters
Wire strippers
4 – #6 round head screws, and 1 – #8 sheet metal screw
(or nut, bolt, and star washer)
2 – Ring connectors (large enough to accommodate your method of grounding)
In-line fuse or circuit breaker — see fuse requirements below
Power and groundwire — see Power Wire Calculator on the next page
Speaker wire — 16 gauge or larger
Grommets (sized to work with the power wire you plan to use in your installa-