Notice: Continuing to drive with
worn-out brake pads could
result in costly brake repair.
Some driving conditions or climates
can cause a brake squeal when
the brakes are first applied or lightly
applied. This does not mean
something is wrong with the brakes.
Properly torqued wheel nuts are
necessary to help prevent
brake pulsation. When tires are
rotated, inspect brake pads for wear
and evenly tighten wheel nuts in
the proper sequence to torque
specifications in Capacities and
Specifications on page 10-2.
Brake linings should always be
replaced as complete axle sets.
Brake Pedal Travel
See your dealer/retailer if the brake
pedal does not return to normal
height, or if there is a rapid increase
in pedal travel. This could be a
sign that brake service might
be required.
Brake Adjustment
Every time he brakes are applied,
with or without the vehicle moving,
the brakes adjust for wear.
Replacing Brake System Parts
The braking system on a vehicle
is complex. Its many parts have
to be of top quality and work
well together if the vehicle is
to have really good braking.
The vehicle was designed and
tested with top-quality brake parts.
When parts of the braking system
are replaced — for example,
when the brake linings wear
down and new ones are
installed — be sure to get new
approved replacement parts. If this
is not done, the brakes might
not work properly. For example,
if someone puts in brake linings that
are wrong for the vehicle, the
balance between the front and rear
brakes can change — for the
worse. The braking performance
expected can change in many other
ways if the wrong replacement
brake parts are installed.
Vehicle Service and Care 9-27