GM Mobility Reimbursement
This program, available to qualified applicants, can
reimburse you up to $1,000 of the cost of eligible
aftermarket adaptive equipment required for your vehicle,
such as hand controls or a wheelchair/scooter lift.
The offer is available for a very limited period of time
from the date of vehicle purchase/lease. For more
details, or to determine your vehicle’s eligibility, visit
gmmobility.com or call the GM Mobility Assistance
Center at 1-800-323-9935. Text telephone (TTY) users,
call 1-800-833-9935.
General Motors of Canada also has a Mobility Program.
Call 1-800-GM-DRIVE (463-7483) for details. TTY
users call 1-800-263-3830.
Roadside Assistance Program
For U.S. purchased vehicles, call 1-800-ROADSIDE
(762-3743); (Text telephone (TTY): 1-888-889-2438).
For Canadian purchased vehicles, call 1-800-268-6800.
Service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Calling for Assistance
When calling Roadside Assistance, have the following
information ready:
• Your name, home address, and home telephone
• Telephone number of your location
• Location of the vehicle
• Model, year, color, and license plate number of the
• Odometer reading, Vehicle Identification Number
(VIN), and delivery date of the vehicle
• Description of the problem