Polk Audio Customer Service 800-377-7655 (Outside USA & Canada: 410-358-3600) polkcs@polkaudio.com
Frequently Asked Questions
Bar Placement, IR Senors and other Questions Installers Ask.
1. How do I mount this bar on the wall?
§ This bar has two keyhole slots on the back that are 16-3/4”
apart. You would need to put some screws or anchors (not
supplied) suitable for your wall construction and let the
heads stick out slightly, then hang the speaker bar on the
wall. (insert line drawing?)
2. Where is the IR sensor on this bar?
§ The IR sensor is exactly 16.1 inches from the right side of
the bar and 1.79 inches from the top. In other words, it’s
right below the “E” in mute, behind the middle of the grille.
(insert line drawing?)
3. Does this unit have a discrete on/off remote command?
§ Yes. You have to have firmware version 4.2 or newer for
this feature. Which brings us to:
4. How do you check the firmware of this unit?
§ While the unit is off (solid red light in the front), press and
release (do not hold) “LEARN” on the bar. Then count the
number of red flashes, and the number of green flashes.
For example, if you see 3 red flashes and 2 green flashes,
you have version 3.2.
5. Can you connect more than one subwoofer (or a different
model subwoofer) to one bar?
§ Unfortunately no. The bar will only pair to one subwoofer,
the one it came with.