Base Subscription Button LED
Base Subscription LED Base Status
Flashes green and red Primary headset subscription mode
Solid green Primary headset subscribed to base
Solid yellow Active conference call with guest headsets
Solid red No headset subscribed
Flashes green 3X, the yellow 2X Security level changed from enhanced to standard
Set the Range
Changing the range can help with desk phone/PC audio quality, improve user density or restrict
range of users.
You can change the range using the subscription button on the base. With the system idle,
press the subscription and desk phone buttons for three seconds. The desk phone button will
flash green for high range. If you press the subscription button again for three seconds, the desk
phone button will flash yellow for medium range. If you press the subscription button again for
three seconds, the desk phone button will flash red for low range.
Setting Range
High up to 350 ft.
Medium up to 150 ft.
Low up to 50 ft.
You can also set the range using the Plantronics Hub. Go to Start > Programs > Plantronics >
Plantronics Hub> Settings > Wireless > Range.
Auto Connect Feature
Once you have paired and connected your mobile phone to the base, the base will automatically
connect to it when you are in range of your base.
You can manually disconnect your mobile phone from the base by short pressing the base
Bluetooth pairing button when it is solid blue. However if you do this, you must manually
reestablish a connection with your mobile phone by pressing the base Bluetooth button again,
before the auto connection feature will resume.
You may customize this feature by using the Plantronics Hub by going to Start > Programs >
Plantronics > Plantronics Hub > Settings > Wireless > Auto Connect to Mobile Phone.
Bluetooth Pairing Button