Anti-startle (G616)
G616 Acoustic Limiting provides additional hearing protection against acoustic shock. When
G616 Acoustic Limiting is SELECTED, the system provides additional acoustic shock protection.
Sound levels are limited to 102 dBA as recommended in the G616:2006 guideline issued by the
Australian Communications Industry Forum (ACIF). When G616 Audio-limiting is NOT
SELECTED, the headset limits sound levels at 118 dBA to protect your hearing.
Audio Limiting
Audio Limiting provides advanced hearing protection for daily noise exposure. When Audio-
Limiting is SELECTED, the system monitors and controls sound to ensure audio levels do not
exceed 80 dBA or 85 dBA (whichever is selected) specified by current and imminent EU
legislation. When Audio-limiting is set to NOT SELECTED, the headset limits sound levels at 118
dBA to protect your hearing.
Hours on phone per day
Optimise the use of Automatic Acoustic Level (AAL) related parameters such as Time Weighted
Average (TWA) by selecting the value that best represents your typical use of this device.
Plantronics Manager Pro
Additional device management tools are available for IT Managers via Plantronics Manager Pro,
which includes the following features:
• Enable or disable device settings according to company policy or for regulatory compliance
• Lock down settings so they cannot be changed by the user
• Monitor audio device settings and usage in near real time
• Generate inventory and usage reports to manage asset utilisation
For more information please visit: www.plantronics.com/us/product/plantronics-manager-pro
Additional device
management tools