Caller announcement (mobile phone only)
When wearing your headset, you will hear the name of a contact calling you so you can decide
whether to answer or ignore the call without having to check the phone screen.
An incoming caller name is announced:
• if your phone supports Phone Book Access Profile (PBAP)
• if you granted access to your contacts during the pairing process (for many mobile phone's this
is preset out-of-the box and may not be necessary)
• if the caller is stored in the phone's contacts list
An incoming caller name is not announced: if the caller is unknown, unlisted or blocked
You can mute the microphone during a conversation.
Mute on: During a call, tap the Mute
button, you will hear the “mute on” voice prompt. The
mute reminder is repeated every 15 minutes alternating between the voice prompt and a tone.
Mute off: During a call, tap the Mute
button, you will hear “mute off”.
NOTE The mute off voice prompt and mute reminder timing can be customised in MyHeadset
Updater. plantronics.com/myheadset
Toggle the Volume button up (+) or down (–) during a call or while streaming audio.
While not on a call or streaming audio you can toggle the Volume button to adjust the
volume level for Caller Announce and other voice prompts.
Smart Sensors
in this headset recognise if the headset is being worn and can automatically
perform time-saving functions.
Putting on your headset will:
• Answer an incoming call
• Transfer an active call from your phone
• Resume streaming audio
Taking off your headset will:
• Transfer an active call to your phone handset
• Pause streaming audio
• Lock the Call button to avoid accidental calls
A 2-second press of the Play/Pause button
will either pause or resume playback of
streaming audio.
NOTE You must pause your streaming audio before you:
• use your headset's voice commands
• initiate an outbound call with your headset (call back or voice dial)
NOTE If you power off the headset or go out of phone range while streaming audio, your headset will
not play/pause the stream upon reconnecting until you manually resume streaming with your phone.
Adjust the volume
Use Smart Sensors
Play or pause streaming