DJS Ver. 1.600
Warnings about Copyrights
zCopying of copyrighted materials such as music is unlawful unless permitted by a legal exception or
consented to by the rightowners.
* Music recorded from CDs, etc. is protected by the copyright laws of each country, as well as by international
agreements. The person who makes such a recording, himself, bears full responsibility for legal compliance in
the use thereof.
zThis software restricts the playback and reproduction of music content subject to copyright protection.
* When encoded data is included in order to protect the copyrights of music content, the program may not operate
* When encoded data included in order to protect the copyrights of music content is detected, it may cancel the
ripping, playback and/or other processes.
* In oder to protect the copyrights of music content, transferring (checking out) music to SD memory cards is
limited to a maximum of 3 per music content.
* A reader compatible with the copyright protection function of SD memory cards is needed in order to transfer
(check out) music content to an SD memory card. For more detailed information, refer to the user’s manual of
the various readers/writers.
* Music transferred (checked out) to an SD memory card can only be played back on SD Audio Compatible
players. For more detailed information, refer to the user’s manual of the various players.
zThe DJS music CD ripping function is only compatible with
music CDs that have one of the following symbols on the disc
zThe DJS SD memory card transfer function (checking out/
checking in) is not compatible with Windows Vista
zPlease make a note of your registration information and keep it in a safe location.
* Please be advised that in the unlikely event that the information created/registered with this software is lost,
Pioneer shall bear no responsibility for it.
* Pioneer and DJS are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Pioneer Corporation.
* Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation of the United States and other countries. The
formal name of Windows is the Microsoft Windows Operating System.
* MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson multimedia.
Supply of this product only conveys a license for private, non-commercial use and does not convey a license nor imply any right
to use this product in any commercial (i.e. revenue-generating) real time broadcasting (terrestrial, satellite, cable and/or any other
media), broadcasting/streaming via internet, intranets and/or other networks or in other electronic content distribution systems,
such as pay-audio or audio-on-demand applications. An independent license for such use is required. For details, please visit
* Pentium is a registered trademark of the Intel Corporation of the United States.
* Adobe and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or
other countries.
* All other company names and names of products are either the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective