Using the touch panel keys
Inputs the dial number.
! Initiates a call.
! When there is an incoming
call, connects the call.
! Disconnects a call.
! When a call is being placed,
cancels the call.
! When there is an incoming
call, rejects the call.
Each tap of the key switches be-
tween phone audio output from
the speakers and output from the
Each tap of the key turns the mi-
crophone on and off.
When the list screen appears, the
previous list is displayed.
Displays the optional menu.
Adjusting the phone volume
During the hands-free phoning, you can adjust
the phone volume by using the Volume (+/–)
button when you are talking. The ring tone vo-
lume also can be adjusted while the phone
Making a phone call
You can make a phone call in many different
Direct dialing
2 Tap the number keys to enter the
phone number.
# If you tap , the entered number is deleted
one digit at a time from the end of the number.
# If you tap [Clear], the entered number is
Dialing starts.
to end the call.
Calling a number in the phone
You can select and call a contact from the
phone book entries transferred to this product.
p Before using this function, you need to
transfer the phone book entries stored in
your iPhone to this product.
= For details, refer to Transferring the phone
book on page 20.
1 Tap [Phone book].
2 Tap the desired name on the list.
Dialing starts.
to end the call.
Dialing from the history
The most recent calls made (dialed), received
and missed are stored in the call history list.
You can browse the call history list and call
numbers from it.
p Each call history saves 100 calls per regis-
tered iPhone. If the number of calls ex-
ceeds 100, the oldest entry will be deleted.
1 Tap [Received calls], [Dialed calls] or
[Missed calls].
The selected call history list appears.
2 Tap an entry on the list.
Dialing starts.
to end the call.
Using hands-free phoning