Symptom Cause Action
Power doesnt turnon.
No functionscome on.
Cables orconnectors arenot cor-
rectly connected.
Check whether the cablesare pluggedin cor-
rectly andfirmly.
The fuseis blown. Rectify thereason forthe fuseblowing, then
replace thefuse. Bevery sureto installthe
correct fuse withthe samerating.
No soundsare heard.
The volumelevel willnot rise.
Cables arenot connectedcorrectly. Connect thecablescorrectly.
The front,rear,left andright speak-
ers arenot properly adjustedin level
Adjust therelative levels betweenthe speak-
ers correctly. (Page9)
Sound isnot heardover aspeci-
fic speaker.
The speakersize isset toOFF. Make thecorrect size settingfor thespeaker.
(Page 12)
The speakerlevel isset toolow. Increasethe speakerlevel setting to getthe
balance rightwith theother speakers. (Page
The centerspeaker sizeis setto
SMALL orLARGE whereas nocen-
ter speakeris installed.
Set thecenter speakersize toOFF.(Page 12)
Symptom Cause Action
Speakers arenot available tobe
Their size settingsis atOFF. Make thecorrect size settings.(Page12)
Time alignment isnot available. Listening position is notset cor-
Set listeningposition correctly. (Page 9)
Their size settingsis atOFF. Make thecorrect size settings.(Page12)
The subwooferis notavailable to
switch itsphase.
The subwooferis setto OFF. Setthe subwooferto ON. (Page12)
Bass contentis notheard. The subwooferis setto OFFand yet
other speakersare setto OFFor
SMALL insize.
Make thecorrect settings.(If nosubwoofer is
installed, thefront or rearspeaker needsto
be settoLARGE.) (Page12)
Ocassionally nosounds areout-
put whenDolby Pro Logicis
turned on.
The centerspeaker settingis at
SMALL orLARGE whereas nocen-
ter speakeris installed.
Change thecenter speaker size settingto
OFF. (Ifthe audiosource ismono andDolby
ProLogic Bis turnedon, soundisheard over
the centerspeaker only.)(Page 12)
Occasionally nosounds are
heard over speakersother than
the centerone.
Dolby Pro LogicBis turnedon. Turn Dolby Pro LogicB off.(If theaudio
source ismono andDolby Pro LogicBis
turned on,sound is heardover thecenter
speaker only.) (Page11)
Turning dynamic range control
on hasno effects.
The currentlyreproduced soundis
not Dolby Digitalcoded.
The featureis onlyeffective on Dolby Digital
sounds. (Page10)
Additional Information