This functionis availableonly for MVH-P8200BT.
Bluetooth telephonedata canbe deleted. To protect
personal information,we recommenddeleting this
data beforetransferring theunit to otherpersons. The
following settingswill bedeleted.
! phonebookentries on theBluetooth telephone
! preset numberson theBluetooth telephone
! registration assignmentof the Bluetoothtele-
! callhistory ofthe Bluetooth telephone
! information ofthe connected Bluetoothtelephone
! PINcode
1 Press M.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 Use M.C.to selectYes.
Turnto changethe mode. Press toselect.
Cleared isdisplayed andthe settingsare deleted.
Tocancel, selectNo.
! While thisfunction isin use, donot turnoff
the engine.
BT Ver. Info. (Bluetoothversion display)
This functionis availableonly for MVH-P8200BT.
1 Press M.C. todisplay theBluetooth (microproces-
sor) versionof thisunit.
Software Update(updating thesoftware)
This functionis availableonly for MVH-P8200BT.
This functionis usedto updatethis unit withthe lat-
est software.Forinformationon thesoftware andup-
dating, referto our website.
1 Press M.C. todisplay thesetting mode.
2 UseM.C. toselect Yes toshow aconfirmationdis-
Turnto changethe mode. Press toselect.
Tocancel, selectNo.
Followthe on-screeninstructionsto finishupdat-
ing thesoftware.
Auto EQ (auto-equalizing)
The auto-equalizer automatically measures
the car’s interior acoustic characteristics, and
then creates an auto-equalizer curve based on
that information.
! To perform this function, dedicated micro-
phone (e.g. CD-MC20) is required.
As a loud tone (noise) may be emitted fromthe
speakers when measuring the car's interior
acoustic characteristics, never perform auto EQ
while driving.
! Thoroughly check the conditions beforeper-
forming auto EQ as the speakers may beda-
maged if these functions are performed when:
— The speakers are incorrectlyconnected.
(For example, when a rear speaker is con-
nected as a subwoofer output.)
— A speaker is connected to a power amp de-
livering output higher than the speaker’s
maximum input power capability.
! If the microphone is placed in an unsuitable
position the measurement tone may become
loud and measurement may take a longtime,
resulting in battery drainage. Be sure to place
the microphone in the specified location.
Before operating the auto EQ function
! Carry out auto EQ in as quiet a place as
possible, with the car engine and air condi-
tioning switched off. Also cut power to car
phones or portable telephones in the car, or
remove them from the car before carrying
out auto EQ. Sounds other than the mea-
surement tone (surrounding sounds, en-
gine sound, telephones ringing etc.) may
prevent correct measurement of the car in-
terior acoustic characteristics.
! Be sure to carry out auto EQ using the op-
tional microphone. Using another micro-
phone may prevent measurement, or result
in incorrect measurement of the car inter-
ior acoustic characteristics.
! In order to perform auto EQ, the front
speaker must be connected.
! When this unit is connected to a power
amp with input level control, auto EQ may
not be possible if the power amp’s input
level is set below the standard level.
! When this unit is connected to a power
amp with an LPF, turn this LPF off before
performing auto EQ. Also set the cut-off fre-
quency for the built-in LPF of an active sub-
woofer to the highest frequency.
Operating this unit