Sound is pure emotion. A hurried knock on the door. The crash of a wave. Sound cuts through all the layers and gets us right where we live.
Before we can think, before we can judge, we feel. When we hear an infant cry, our bodies move toward it.
When we hear a lover’s voice, our pupils dilate. A song from long ago transports us instantly to another time and place.
Pioneer EX speakers don’t simply reproduce sound. Designed around our CST technology, which delivers both midrange
and high frequencies from a single origin, they deliver soundscapes with astonishing coherency. The result is a clarity and rich,
full realism that lets you hear in ways you have never heard before.
Pure sound. Pure emotion.
Compact Monitor
Centre Channel
Compact Monitor
Centre Channel
Powered Subwoofer
EX Series Speaker Systems
(Coherent Source Transducer)
Our entire range of EX Series speakers employ
TAD’s ingenious and exclusive CST driver
technology. The tweeter is mounted at the
center point of the midrange driver, allowing
sound to be precisely controlled at all
Passion Through Unity
The unique one-piece cone and center cap
construction of the EX Series bass drivers
adds rigidity and mechanical integrity. This
eliminates unwanted cone resonances,
improves accuracy and delivers bass that can
be felt down to your core.
Proven, Unlike Any Other
The EX Series was rigorously tested at the
world-renowned AIR Studios in London.
Founded by legendary producer Sir George
Martin, the studio’s aural expertise is second
to none. We couldn’t ask for a better
testament of our ability.
Andrew Jones and Team
Andrew Jones and the TAD Reference One.
As both the director of engineering and
senior product designer, his team created the
EX line of home speakers, which was inspired
by their legendary Technical Audio Devices
TAD Reference One flagship speaker.
*Shown with optional speaker stand. *Speakers are sold individually.
• Phase Control Design
Beryllium Tweeter/Magnesium Midrange (S-1EX/2EX/7EX)
Ceramic Graphite Tweeter/Magnesium Midrange (S-3EX/4EX/8EX)