Symptom Cause Action (See)
Speakers are notavailable to be
Their size settingsis at OFF. Make the correct sizesettings. (Page 76)
Time alignment is notavailable. Listening position is not setcor-
Set listening positioncorrectly. (Page 70)
Speaker size settingsis at OFF. Make the correct size settings.(Page 76)
The subwoofer isnot available to
switch its phase.
The subwoofer isset to OFF. Set the subwoofer to ON. (Page 76)
Bass content isnot heard. Thesubwoofer is set toOFFand yet
other speakers areset to OFFor
SML in size.
Make the correct settings.(If no subwoofer is
installed, the front orrear speaker needs to
be set toLRG.) (Page 76)
Ocassionally no sounds are out-
put when DolbyPro Logic II is
turned on.
The center speakersetting is atSML
or LRG whereasno center speaker
is installed.
Change the center speaker size settingto
OFF. (If the audiosource is monoand Dolby
Pro Logic II isturned on, sound isheard over
the center speaker only.)(Page 76)
Occasionally no soundsare
heard over speakers other than
the center one.
Dolby Pro Logic II is turned on. Turn DolbyPro Logic II off. (If the audio
source is monoand Dolby Pro Logic IIis
turned on,sound is heard over the center
speaker only.) (Page 70)
Turning dynamic range control
on has noeffects.
The currently reproduced sound is
not Dolby Digitalcoded.
The feature isonly effective onDolby Digital
sounds. (Page 71)
No sounds areheard. Optical cables areincorrectly con-
Connect the cablescorrectly.
Error messages
When you contact your dealer or your nearest Pioneer Service Center, be sure to record the error
Message Cause Action
ERROR02-XX Dirty disc Clean disc.
Scratched disc Replace disc.
The disc isloaded upside down Check that thedisc is loadedcorrectly.
R ERROR The disc doesnot have the samere-
gion number as this unit
Replace the DVDvideo with onebearing the
correct region number.
NON-PLAY Thistype of disc cannotbe played
by this unit
Replace the disc with one thisunit can play.
HEAT The temperature of thisunit is out-
side the normaloperating range
Wait until theunit’s temperature returns to
within normal operatinglimits.
Additional Information
Additional Information