
DRM-7000 Operating Instructions
#123 , #221 , #258 ,
M15 (#701 - #750),
Press the Up arrow button
Hyper (#751 - #770) ,
end of list Contents
Request a Content log to review the number of filled and vacant slots within the
combined magazines.
Full slots : 588
Empty slots : 12
Press Up or Down arrow button
Uncertain : 70
Total slots : 670
The label, Uncertain, indicates that the Changer is unable to determine if a disc
is in a slot. Run-Statistics
The Run-Statistics command displays the length of time or the number or times
an operation has been performed.
Work-time sum or
Number of moves?
Move the cursor to either Work Time Sum or Number of Moves and press the
Enter button to see the data log.
Work-Time Sum
Select PowerON time to show the total length of time that power has been ON
for the DRM-7000.
P owerOn-time or
Drive work-time?
Press the Enter button
Total PowerOn is
- 32 -