Black plate (13,1)
Bluetooth Audio
! Depending on the Bluetooth audio player
connected to this unit, the available opera-
tions will be limited to the followingtwo lev-
— A2DPprofile (Advanced AudioDistribution
Profile):Youcan only playbacksongs on your
audio player.
The A2DPconnection can onlybe used with
PANDORA (smartphone),APP (smartphone)
— AVRCPprofile (Audio/VideoRemote Control
Profile):Youcan perform playback, pause
playback, selectsongs, etc.
! To use a Bluetoothaudio player with this
unit, refer to this manual and the manual for
your device for operating instructions.
! As the signal from your cellular phone may
cause noise, avoid using it when you arelis-
tening to songs on your Bluetooth audio
! The sound of the Bluetooth audio player will
be muted when the phone is in use.
! When the Bluetooth audio player is in use,
you cannot connect to a Bluetooth telephone
! Playback continues even if you switch from
your Bluetooth audio player to another
source while listening to a song.
! Depending on the type of Bluetoothaudio
player you have connected to this unit, oper-
ation and information display may not be
available for some functions.
Setting up for Bluetooth audio
Before you can use the Bluetoothaudio function
you must set up the unit for usewith your
Bluetooth audio player.You will need to pairthis
unit with your Bluetooth audio player.
1 Connection
Use theBluetooth telephone connection
menu. Referto Connection menuoperation on
page 11.
Basic operations
Fast forwarding or reversing
1 Press andhold c or d.
Selecting atrack
1 Press c ord.
Starting playback
1 Press BAND/
Switching the display
Selecting thedesired text information
1 Press DISPto cycle between thefollowing:
! DEVICE INFO(device name)
! TRACK INFO(track title/artist name/album
! ELAPSED TIME(track number andplay-
back time)
! CLOCK (sourcename and clock)
! SPEANA (spectrumanalyzer)
Operations using special buttons
Selecting arepeat play range
1 Press 6/
to selecta repeat play rangefrom
one orall.
! This functionmay not beavailable depend-
ing onthe type ofBluetooth audio player
! The repeatplay range variesdepending on
the Bluetoothaudio player inuse.
Playing tracksin random order
1 Press 5/
to turnrandom play onor off.
! The randomplay range variesdepending
on theBluetooth audio playerin use.
Pausing playback
1 Press 4/PAUSE topause or resume.
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the mainmenu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select FUNCTION.
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
Once selected, the following functions can be
PLAY (play)
1 Press M.C. tostart playback.
STOP (stop)
1 Press M.C. tostop the playback.
S.RTRV(sound retriever)
1 Press M.C. toselect the desiredsetting.
1—2—OFF (off)
1 iseffective for lowcompression rates, and 2
is effectivefor high compressionrates.
Audio adjustments
1 Press M.C. to display the mainmenu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select AUDIO.
3 Turn M.C. to select the audio function.
Once selected, the following audio functions
can be adjusted.
! FADERis not availablewhen SW is selected
in REAR-SP. Fordetails, refer toREAR-SP
(rear output setting)on page 16.
! FADERis not availablewhen SUB.W/SUB.W
is selectedin SP-P/O MODE. Fordetails, refer
to SP-P/OMODE (rear output andpreout set-
ting) onpage 16.
! SUB.W andSUB.W CTRL arenot available
when FULis selected inREAR-SP. For details,
refer toREAR-SP (rear output setting)on page
! SUB.W andSUB.W CTRL arenot available
when REAR/REARis selected in
SP-P/O MODE. Fordetails, refer to
SP-P/O MODE(rear output and preout set-
ting) onpage 16.
! SUB.W CTRLis not availablewhen SUB.W is
selected inOFF. For details, referto SUB.W
(subwoofer on/off setting)on page 14.
! SLA isnot available whenFM is selected as
the source.
FADER(fader adjustment)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to adjustthe front/rear speakerbal-
BALANCE (balanceadjustment)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to adjustthe left/right speaker bal-
EQ SETTING(equalizer recall)
Using this unit
Using this unit