Audio adjustments
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select AUDIO.
3 Turn M.C. to select the audio function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the audio function.
FAD/BAL (fader/balanceadjustment)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the setting mode.
2 Press M.C. tocycle between fader(front/rear)
and balance(left/right).
3 TurnM.C. to adjust speakerbalance.
! When the rearoutput and RCAoutput setting
are SW,you cannot adjustfront/rear speaker
balance. Referto REAR-SP (rear outputsetting)
on this page.Refer to PREOUT(preout setting)
on this page.
PRESET EQ(equalizer recall)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the setting mode.
2 TurnM.C. to select theequalizer.
3 Press M.C. toconfirm the selection.
TONE CTRL(equalizer adjustment)
! Adjusted equalizer curvesettings are stored in
1 Press M.C. todisplay the setting mode.
2 Press M.C. toselect BASS (bass)/MID(mid)/
TREBLE (treble).
3 TurnM.C. to adjust thelevel.
Adjustment range: +6to –6
LOUD (loudness)
Loudness compensates fordeficiencies in thelow-
frequency and high-frequencyranges at lowvol-
1 Press M.C. toselect the desired setting.
OFF (off)—LOW(low)—HI(high)
SUB.W (subwoofer on/offsetting)
This unitis equipped with asubwoofer output
which can beturned on oroff.
1 Press M.C. toselect the desired setting.
NOR (normalphase)—REV (reverse phase)—
OFF (subwooferoff)
SUB.W CTRL(subwoofer adjustment)
The cut-off frequencyand output levelcan be ad-
justed whenthe subwoofer output ison.
Only frequencieslower than those inthe selected
range are outputtedfrom the subwoofer.
! When youselect OFF inSUB.W, youcannot se-
lect thisfunction. For details,refer to SUB.W
(subwoofer on/off setting)on this page.
1 Press M.C. todisplay the setting mode.
2 Press M.C. tocycle between the cut-offfre-
quency andoutput level of thesubwoofer.
Cut-off frequency (Cut-offfrequency display
flashes.)—Output level (Outputlevel display
3 TurnM.C. to select thedesired setting.
Cut-off frequency: 50HZ—63HZ—80HZ—
Output level:–24 to+6
SLA (sourcelevel adjustment)
SLA (Sourcelevel adjustment) lets youadjust the
volume levelof each source toprevent radical
changes in volumewhen switching betweensour-
! Settings arebased on the FMvolume level,
which remains unchanged.
! The AMvolume level can alsobe adjusted with
this function.
! When selectingFM as the source,you cannot
switch toSLA.
1 Press M.C. todisplay the setting mode.
2 TurnM.C. to adjust thesource volume.
Adjustment range: +4to –4
3 Press M.C. toconfirm the selection.
Initial settings
1 Press and hold SRC/OFF until the unit
turns off.
2 Press M.C. and hold until function name
appears in the display.
3 Turn M.C. to select the initial setting.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the initial setting.
CLOCK SET(setting the clock)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the setting mode.
2 Press M.C. toselect the segment ofthe clock
display you wishto set.
3 TurnM.C. to adjust theclock.
AUX (auxiliary input)
Activate thissetting when using anauxiliary de-
vice connected tothis unit.
1 Press M.C. toturn AUX on oroff.
USB PNP(plug and play)
This setting allowsyou to switchyour source to
USB/iPod automatically.
1 Press M.C. toturn the plug andplay function
on or off.
ON – Whena USB storagedevice/iPod iscon-
nected, dependingon the type ofdevice, the
source isautomatically switched to USB/iPod
when you turnon the engine.If you disconnect
your USB storagedevice/iPod, this unit’s
source isturned off.
OFF – Whena USB storagedevice/iPod iscon-
nected, thesource is not switchedto USB/
iPod automatically. Please changethe source
to USB/iPodmanually.
REAR-SP (rear outputsetting)
The rearspeaker leads output canbe used for full-
range speaker orsubwoofer connection.
If you switchto SW, youcan connect arear speak-
er lead directlyto a subwoofer withoutusing an
auxiliary amp.
Initially,REAR-SP is setfor rear full-range speaker
connection (FUL).
1 Press M.C. toselect the desired setting.
! Even if youchange this setting, therewill
be no outputif you selectOFF in SUB.W
(Refer toSUB.W (subwoofer on/off setting)
on this page).
! If you changethis setting, subwoofer out-
put inthe audio menu willreturn tothe fac-
tory settings.
PREOUT (preoutsetting)
Operating this unit
Operating this unit