CLD-V5000 Level III • Chapter Three
CLD-V5000 Level III User’s Manual TP 121 v. 1.0 • 1/96 3-37
Execution: ? K <C/R> 0 X X X X X XX <C/R>
* Disc is not loaded.
? D <C/R> 1 X X0X X X X <C/R>
* A CD is loaded.
? D <C/R> E04 <C/R>
* A LaserDisc is loaded.
Function: Player’s model number is returned.
Format: ? X
Explanation: The model number of the CLD-V5000 is returned as: P1542XX.
First 3 characters (P15) indicate the player is a Pioneer LaserDisc
Player. The next two characters (42 in the example above)
indicate the player series or model number. The last two digits
(XX) represent the player version number and they are
updated periodically as running changes are made to the
Execution: ? X <C/R> P 1 5 4 2 0 1 <C/R>
In this example the last two digits (XX) = 01, which was the first
version number of the CLD-V5000.
For more information see Technical Bulletin #148A, Pioneer
Industrial LaserDisc Player Model Numbers.
NOTE: The CLD-V5000 player does not support the ?U command
allowing access to Standard User’s Code that may be encoded on