
AppleTalk Protocol
Required for AppleTalk
There are generally no required changes from the shipping Ethernet configuration
for AppleTalk. The Ethernet interface will autoconfigure to use AppleTalk Phase 2,
and will autoadapt to conditions on the Ethernet.
Suggested for AppleTalk
You may want to set your own network numbers, rather than using the
autoconfigured values. You may also want to use more meaningful zone names.
RV: Use the Ethernet - AppleTalk screen.
CL: Use interface(misc) and appletalk(set).
DECnet Protocol
Required for DECnet
The router’s shipping configuration does not have DECnet turned on. You must
turn it on and set several DECnet parameters.
Turn DECnet on
Set DECnet area
Set DECnet node
RV: Use the Main DECnet screen (All - DECnet).
CL: Use decnet(set).
Suggested for DECnet
Setting the parameters above should be adequate for most installations.
WAN Interface PPP Configuration
This section covers the settings required for PPP (point-to-point) protocol operation
of the BR Router WAN interfaces. In general, the parameters listed here should be
set for each WAN interface on which you plan to use PPP. Note that one WAN
interface can be running PPP while the other is running Frame Relay.
There are a few differences between the capabilities of the V.35 WAN interface and
the RS-232 WAN interface. The V.35 interface can only be run synchronously, at
rates up to 2 Mbps per second. The RS-232 interface can be run synchronously or
asynchronously, at rates up to 256Kbps (sync), or 230.4Kbps (async).