Messages for navigation functions
The following messages may be displayed by your navigation system. Refer to the table below to
identify the problem, then take the suggested corrective action.
There are occasions when you may see error messages other than those shown here. In such a
case, follow the instructions given on the display.
Message Cause Action (Reference)
Route calculation wasnot
Route calculationhas failed be-
cause ofa malfunction in mapdata,
software, or hardware.
! Change thedestination.
! Consultthe Pioneer Local dealerif this mes-
sage persists.
Route calculation notpossi-
ble: destination istoo far.
The destination istoo far. Set a destinationcloser to the startingpoint.
Route calculation notpossi-
ble: destination istoo close.
The destination istoo close. Set adestination farther from the starting
Route calculation notpossi-
ble: navigation cannotbe pro-
vided arounddestination or
starting point.
The destination,waypoint(s), or
starting point arein an areawhere
no road exists(e.g. a mountain)and
the routecalculation isimpossible.
! Seta destination and waypoint(s)on roads.
! Resetthe destination after you drive theve-
hicle toany road.
Route todestination cannot
be calculated.
The destination or waypoint(s)are in
an isolatedisland, etc. without a
ferry and the routecalculation is im-
possible. If thereis no roadcon-
nected toyour starting point or
destination, thismessage will ap-
Change thedestination.
Failed tomake the routepro-
In rarecases, a route calculation
error may occur.
! Retry.
! Consultthe Pioneer Local dealerif this mes-
sage persists.
No picturefolder. Save jpeg
file to/Pictures/ folder
Cannot loadthe image because
“Pictures” folderis not found inthe
inserted external storagedevice.
Use appropriate dataand store itcorrectly.
(Page 173)
“Pictures” folderexists on the SD
memor y card but thereis no load-
able data inthe folder.
Use appropriate dataand store itcorrectly.
(Page 173)
Data Readerror. Failed to read thedata for somerea-
Use appropriate dataand store itcorrectly.
(Page 173)
The fileis corrupt Thedata is damaged oran attempt
was madeto set an imagefile that
was notmade to specifications as
the splash screen.
Use appropriate dataand store itcorrectly.
(Page 173)