Symptom Cause Action (Reference)
There’s no picture. The parkingbrake cord is notcon-
Connect the parkingbrake cord, and apply
the parking brake.
The parking brakeis not applied. Connectthe parking brake cord,and apply
the parking brake.
The backlight ofthe LCD panel is
turned off.
Turn on thebacklight. (Page 181)
Rear displaypicture disappears. Thesource disc beinglistened to in
the navigation systemhas been
Before ejecting thedisc, switch the source.
This problem mayoccur when certain con-
nection methods areused.
There is aproblem with the reardis-
play, forexample a faulty wiringcon-
Check the reardisplay and its connection.
An AV source that cannot output to
the rear display is selected.
Select an appropriateAV source.
Nothing is displayedand the
touch panel keyscannot be
The setting forthe rear view camera
is incorrect.
Select the appropriatesetting for the rear
view camera.
The shift lever wasplaced in [R]
when the rear viewcamera wasnot
Select the correctpolarity setting for “Back
Camera”. (Page 166)
There is noresponse when the
touch panel keysare touched, or
a different keyresponds.
The touch panelkeys deviate from
the actual positionsthat respond to
your touch forsome reason.
Perform touch panelcalibration. (Page 167)
The external storagedevice
(USB, SD) cannotbe used.
The USB storagedevice has been
removed immediately after plugging
Park your vehicle in a safeplace, and turn off
the engine. Turn the ignition keyback to off
(ACC OFF). Thenstart the engine again,and
turn the powerto the navigation systemback
Problems in the AV screen
Symptom Cause Action (Reference)
CD or DVDplayback is not pos-
The disc isinserted upside down. Insert thedisc with the labelupward.
The disc isdirty. Cleanthe disc.
The disc iscracked or otherwise da-
Insert a normal,round disc.
The files onthe disc are anirregular
file format.
Check the fileformat.
The disc formatcannot be played
Replace the disc.
The loaded discis a type thissystem
cannot play.
Check what typeof disc it is.(Page208)
The screen iscovered by a cau-
tion message andthe video can-
not be shown.
The parking brakelead is not con-
nected or applied.
Connect the parkingbrake lead correctly, and
apply the parkingbrake.
The parking brakeinterlock is acti-
Park your vehicle in a safeplace and apply
the parking brake.