You cannot position your vehicle
on themap without asignificant
positioning error.
The navigation systemmay not be
mounted securely inyour vehicle.
Check thatthe navigation system issecurely
mounted and, ifnecessary, consultthe dealer
that installedthe system.
The navigation systemis installed
with anextreme angle exceeding
the installationangle limitations.
Confirm theinstallation angle.(The naviga-
tion systemmust be installed withinthe al-
lowed installation angle. For details, referto
“Installation Manual”.)
Indication of theposition of your ve-
hicle ismisaligned after a U-turnor
Check whetheror not the reversegear signal
input lead(violet) is connected properly.(The
navigation system worksproperly without the
lead connected, butpositioning accuracy will
be adversely affected.)
The mapcolor does notswitch
automatically between daytime
and nighttime.
[Night mode]is set to[Day ]. Check [Night mode] settingand make sure
[Automatic] isselected. (Page125)
The orange/white leadis not con-
Check the connection.
The screenis too bright. An improper value hasbeen set on
Check the settings.
The display is ver y dim. [Night] is selectedin “Night
Check the settingof [Night mode] andselect
[Automatic]or[Day]. (Page125)
No sounds ofAV sourceare pro-
The volumelevel will not rise.
The volumelevel is low. Adjust the volume level.
The attenuator ormute ison. Turn the attenuator ormute off.
A speakerlead is disconnected. Checkthe connection.
Adjusting the volumeof naviga-
tion guidanceand beeps is not
You cannot adjustthese with
Turn the volume upor down accordingto
[Sound settings]onthe“Navi Settings”
menu. (Page60)
The personon the other end of
the phonecall cannot hear the
conversation due toan echo.
The voicefrom the personon the
other endof the phone callis output
from thespeakers and thenpicked
up bythe microphone again,creat-
ing anecho.
Use thefollowing methods to reducethe
—Lower thevolume on thereceiver
—Have bothspeakers pause slightly before
There’s nopicture. Theparking brakecord is notcon-
Connect the parkingbrake cord, andapply
the parkingbrake.
The parkingbrake is not applied. Connect the parkingbrake cord, andapply
the parkingbrake.
The backlightof the LCD panelis
turned off.
Turn on thebacklight. (Page 138)
“Rear display” picturedisap-
pears. (Thisinformation isin-
tended forAVIC-F900BTand
The sourcedisc being listened toin
the navigationsystem has been
Before ejectingthe disc, switch the source.
This problemmay occur when certain con-
nection methods areused.
There isa problem with the“Rear
display”, for examplea faulty wiring
Check the “Rear display”and its connection.
The AV sourcethat cannot output to
the reardisplay is selected.
Select theappropriate AV source.