Symptom Cause Action (See)
When theignition switch is
turned ON(or turned toACC),
the motorsounds.
The unitis confirming whethera
disc isloaded ornot.
This isa normaloperation.
Nothing isdisplayed.
The touchpanel keys cannotbe
The rear viewcamera isnot con-
BACK UPCAMERA isat incorrect
Connect arear view camera.
PressV.ADJ toreturn tothe source display
and thenselect thecorrect settingfor BACK
UP CAMERA. (Page 86)
Problems during DVD playback
Symptom Cause Action (See)
Playback isnot possible. The loaded dischas adifferent re-
gion number fromthis unit.
Replace thedisc withone featuring thesame
region numberas this unit.(Page 7,Page
A parentallock messageis dis-
played andplayback isnot pos-
Parental lockis on. Turn parentallockoff or changethe level.
(Page 79)
Parental lockcannot becan-
The codenumber isincorrect. Input thecorrect code number. (Page 79)
You have forgottenyour codenum-
PressCLEAR 10times to cancelthe code
number. (Page 80)
Dialog language(and subtitle
language) cannotbe switched.
The DVDplaying does notfeature
multiple languagerecordings.
You cannot switchamong multiple languages
if theyare notrecorded onthe disc.
You can onlyswitch betweenitems
indicated inthe discmenu.
Switch usingthe discmenu.
No subtitlesare displayed. The DVDplaying does notfeature
Subtitles arenot displayed ifthey arenot re-
corded onthe disc.
You can onlyswitch betweenitems
indicated inthe discmenu.
Switch usingthe discmenu.
Playback isnot withthe audio
language andsubtitle language
settings selectedin DVD SETUP.
The DVDplaying does notfeature
dialog orsubtitles inthe language
selected inDVD SETUP.
Switching toa selected languageis notpossi-
ble if thelanguage selected inDVD SETUPis
not recordedon thedisc.
Switching theviewing angle is
not possible.
The DVDplaying does notfeature
scenes shotfrom multiple angles.
You cannot switchbetween multiple anglesif
the DVDdoes notfeature scenes recorded
from multipleangles.
You are trying toswitch tomultiple
angle viewingof ascene thatis not
recorded frommultiple angles.
Switch betweenmultiple angles whenwatch-
ing scenesrecorded from multipleangles.
The pictureis extremelyunclear/
distorted anddark during play-
The discfeatures a signal toprohibit
copying. (Somediscs may have
Since thisunit iscompatible with thecopy
guard analogcopy protect system,when play-
ing adisc thathas a signal prohibitingcopy-
ing, thepicture maysuffer from horizontal
stripes orother imperfections when viewed
on somedisplays. This doesnot meanthis
unit ismalfunctioning.
Additional Information
Additional Information