! Information related to a song (such as the
elapsed playing time, song title, song index,
etc.) cannot be displayed on this unit.
! As the signal from your cellular phone may
cause noise, avoid using it when you are lis-
tening to songs on your Bluetooth audio
! When a call is in progress on the cellular
phone connected to this unit via Bluetooth
wireless technology, the sound of the
Bluetooth audio player connected to this unit
is muted.
! When the Bluetooth audio player is in use,
you cannot connect to a Bluetooth telephone
! Playback continues even if you switch from
your Bluetooth audio player to another source
while listening to a song.
Touch panel keys
Switching betweenBluetooth tele-
phone andBluetooth audio.
Skipping backor forward toan-
other trackwhen Auto isset for
the auto/manualsetting.
Performing fastforward or reverse
when Manualis set forthe auto/
manual setting.
Pausing a song.
Touch andhold formore thantwo
seconds toactivate connection
mode onthis unit andestablish a
Bluetooth wirelessconnection
from yourplayer.
Refer toConnecting a Bluetooth
audio playeron page 56.
Playback starts.
Touch andhold formore thantwo
seconds toterminate the
Bluetooth wirelessconnection.
Setting theaction for cand d
Switching theequalizer curves.
Refer toUsing theequalizer on
page 57.
Touch andhold formore thantwo
seconds toturn the auto-equalizer
on oroff.
Refer toUsing theauto-equalizer
on page58.
Touch panel keys not listed under Bluetooth audio
operations may appear on the display.
Refer to Indicator list on page 97.
Setting up for Bluetooth audio
Before you can use the Bluetooth audio func-
tion you must set up the unit for use with your
Bluetooth audio player. This entails establish-
ing a Bluetooth wireless connection between
this unit and your Bluetooth audio player, and
pairing your Bluetooth audio player with this
1 Connection
First, youneed toconnect aBluetooth audio to
this unit.
Fordetailed instructions onconnecting your
Bluetooth audioto thisunit via Bluetoothwireless
technology,see Connecting aBluetooth audio
player onpage 56.
Using Bluetooth wireless technology