Shows whichsubtitle language
has beenselected.
Shows whichviewing angle has
been selected.
Shows whichaudio output has
been selected.
Area 2
Shows thedisc title ofthe CD text
disc currentlybeing played.
Shows thesong title whenreceiving
the taginformation.
Shows thetrack title ofthe track cur-
rently beingplayed for CDtext discs.
Shows thesong title ofthe song cur-
rently beingplayed for MP3/WMA/
AAC files.
Shows thecomment currently being
Shows thestation name currently
tuned into.
Shows theartist name whenreceiv-
ing thetag information.
Shows theartist name of thetrack/
song currentlybeing played forCD
text discs.
Shows theartist name of theartist
currently beingplayed for MP3/
WMA/AAC files.
Shows cellularphone information.
Shows generalphone information.
Shows homephone information.
Shows officephone information.
Shows otherphone information.
Shows thecategory name.
Shows thefolder name ofthe folder
containing theMP3/WMA/AAC file
currently beingplayed.
Shows thefile name ofthe MP3/
WMA/AAC filecurrently being
Shows thepreset number ofthe sta-
tion currentlybeing tuned into.
Shows thechannel currently being
tuned into.
Shows SIRIUSinformation.
Area 3
Shows thetitle number currently
being played.
Shows thechapter number cur-
rently beingplayed.
Shows thereplay time currently
being played.
Shows whenthe game alertfunc-
tion ison while receivingSIRIUS
Shows thegenre of thetrack/song
currently beingplayed.
Indicates thatthe feature demois
Additional information