3.5.2 Hanging on the wall
Carefully read the following imformation before attempting to hang the unit on a wall. Take note of the various limitations
specified in this section. Mount the unit so that twisting, bending, or any other warping does not exceed 4 mm.
Shaded areas indicate attachment points for mounting hardware.
Special Instruction (Hanging on the wall)
Operating temperature restrictions
✩ Standard single-unit installation
Distance from wall (A) BCDAmbient temperature
50 mm or less 300 mm or more 300 mm or more 300 mm or more 0 °C to 35 °C
50 mm or more 100 mm or more 50 mm or more 50 mm or more 0 °C to 40 °C
✩ Horizontal/vertical, left/right reverse installation (Note that only Examples 2 and 3 apply in cases
where the top and bottom are reversed)
* Regardless of the distance between the Plasma Display and the wall, the unit must be installed to allow
free air flow (no obstructions within a distance of 300 mm from the unit) around the panel.
Distance from wall (A) BCDAmbient temperature
50 mm or more 300 mm or more 300 mm or more 300 mm or more 0 °C to 35°C
✩ Requirements when used with PDP-S53-LR speaker system
When installed as a single unit, all requirements are the same as those listed above for horizontal/
vertical, left/right reverse installations. However, the figures listed above indicate the distance
between the speakers and the wall.
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Different temperature restrictions apply to the PDK-5011 and PDK-WM01. Refer to “4.6 Tilt Mount Unit PDK-5011”
(pg. 104) and “4.7 Wall Mount Unit PDK-WM01” (pg. 110). For a wall-mount installation, allow adequate space (a
clearance of 300 mm or more) above, below, and to each side of the panel.
: Thermometer (temperature measurement point)